12 Hours

TB401Level 4

for Executives and Senior Leaders
April 17, 2023 11:00 a.m. EST
June 6, 2023 11:00 a.m. EST


It is challenging to accomplish your goals as a leader unless your team is motivated to perform, to produce, to deliver the results you need. Motivating each of the individuals on your team requires recognition on your part that each team member’s motivation needs are different and that the primary source of their motivation comes from within the individual. Self awareness to how a manager is perceived and motivates others takes courage and resilience.

FormatOnlineCertificateUpon Completion


  • Understand the team concept. Open lines of communication as a foundation.
  • Sharpen communication techniques and skills.
  • Learn techniques for building a better team.
  • Understand your style and role as a team leader.
  • Sharpen your team’s goal setting motivation and output/performance.
  • Understand team members and team dynamics.
  • Practice discuss and problem solve.

It is challenging to accomplish your goals as a leader unless your team is motivated to perform, to produce, to deliver the results you need. Motivating each of the individuals on your team requires recognition on your part that each team member’s motivation needs are different and that the primary source of their motivation comes from within the individual. Self awareness to how a manager is perceived and motivates others takes courage and resilience.

Additional information


Executives and Senior Leaders


12 Hours


Level 4




Understand the team concept. Open lines of communication as a foundation., Sharpen communication techniques and skills., Learn techniques for building a better team., Understand your style and role as a team leader., Sharpen your team’s goal setting motivation and output/performance., Understand team members and team dynamics., Practice discuss and problem solve.




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