Interpersonal Skills

Positive Interpersonal Communication

Strong interpersonal skills allow us to share ideas, view, expertise, and information effectively. Discover how to match your communication style to meet goals and strategies for effective workplace collaboration. In this program you will learn how to create a state of mind that allows you to meet, conquer, and transcend the challenges of your life. You will learn to live from your vision and purpose rather than being reactive to circumstances, events, and other people. Learn the difference between the external world and our internal experiences. Emotional intelligence embraces reality and exercise responsibilities versus disowning responsibilities and reacting out of fear. This course is truly helps at the stage for building the next generation of leadership, as well as creating a conscious culture and workplace environment.

  • 4 Hours

    IS101Level 1

    for New or First-time Managers
    On Demand



    Developed interpersonal skills have a propensity to project a positive attitude and look for solutions to problems. Understanding emotional intelligence and applying skills are the beginnings of a great leader.

    FormatOnlineCertificateUpon Completion


    • Evaluate the attributes to build successful interpersonal skills.
    • Identify patterns of thought, feeling and behavior to accelerate your ability to adapt and perform with excellence as circumstances change.
  • 6 Hours

    IS201Level 2

    for High-potential, First-time Managers
    On Demand



    As part of human conditioning, we as individuals tend to look at things from our own perspective. We see things through our own filter. By understanding other perspectives, you create an opportunity to build and better employee relationships. This is the basis for empathy.

    FormatOnlineCertificateUpon Completion


    • Identify key elements of empathy as it relates to others in a team environment.
    • Learn techniques to encourage flexibility and inclusion in an effort to reduce stress and build trust in your team.
    • Learn active listening to interact and respond to others.
  • 8 Hours

    IS301Level 3

    for Mid to senior level leaders
    March 7, 2023 03:00 p.m. EST
    April 25, 2023 03:00 p.m. EST


    Strong working relationships are essential to your organization and their success. Interpersonal Skills are foundational to creating strong employees, teams, leaders, and organizations. Employees need the ability to adapt and evolve for companies to grow and thrive. Developing interpersonal skills allows organizations the flexibility to stretch and pivot in order to reorganize and regroup and meet shifting customer needs.

    FormatOnlineCertificateUpon Completion


    • Learn skills on how to connect with people projecting confidence, credibility and trustworthiness.
    • Focus on communication skills and competencies to build mutual understanding and connectivity with others regardless of your role.
    • Value and respect yourself at a deep level.
    • Discern between your external world and your internal experiences.
  • 12 Hours

    IS401Level 4

    for Executives and Senior Leaders
    March 8, 2023 03:00 p.m. EST
    April 26, 2023 03:00 p.m. EST


    Developing your interpersonal skills increases your self-awareness and strengthens your ability to better understand others. Gain a better understanding of your communication style and how it differs from others, and learn to use that understanding to communicate effectively—verbally and nonverbally.

    FormatOnlineCertificateUpon Completion


    • Discover an interpersonal skills model to create an action plan for the skills you want to develop or improve
    • Apply positive and productive communication techniques to various types of interactions by receiving feedback from others
    • Create supportive workplace relationships by treating others with respect, trust and dignity.
    • Understand the four Paradigms to success and the difference between success and survival.
  • 16 Hours

    IS501Level 5

    for Executives and Senior Leaders
    March 10, 2023 03:00 p.m. EST
    April 28, 2023 03:00 p.m. EST


    This course will help you identify the four paradigms in greater detail in the workplace and how core beliefs create a filtering system for success or failure. You will understand the difference between conscious and unconscious awareness, and learn how to be neutral in opposing viewpoints.

    FormatOnlineCertificateUpon Completion


    • Learn how to change feelings and behaviors when an undesirable outcome unfolds.
    • Know ways to improve the verbal skills by asking questions and communicating with sensitivity to others.
    • Learn how to discern facts from emotions.
    • Applying key interpersonal skills to facilitate delegation and meetings.
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Rated 4.6 out of 5
4.6 out of 5 stars (based on 18 reviews)
Very good39%
Avatar for Lila B.
Lila B.
Rated 5 out of 5
1 year ago

Are you frustrated with people? Do they always make you mad? Are they always late or disrespectful? If so, it’s time to take charge and develop a Fiercely Flexible Mindset. It is essential to be flexible in this world. This class will show you how to break away from the limited filters that prevent us from understanding what is being said, which clears the way for an adaptable and positive workplace.

Avatar for Terri J.
Terri J.
Rated 4 out of 5
1 year ago

The Embracing Change class was very insightful. The class was more of a workbook where I had to really think about my feelings and thoughts around change, then work on strategies for dealing with it. I learned that we all have unique ways of responding to change, and that it’s okay to experience different emotions as you go through the process.

Avatar for Oran B.
Oran B.
Rated 4 out of 5
1 year ago

Resolving Conflict is an invaluable resource for every workplace.

Avatar for Celia B.
Celia B.
Rated 5 out of 5
2 years ago

If you’re a manager or know someone who is, this course is for you. Building Trust is an online training course that provides strategies for how to establish trust among your team. It’s about more than just trust, though – it will also teach you how to create a culture of high performance and engagement.

Avatar for Aleece S.
Aleece S.
Rated 4 out of 5
2 years ago

The Embracing change class is transformative! I am so happy that I took this class because it has helped me in so many ways. Not only has it helped me be more resilient, but also to be a better version of myself.